Social Protection in Modern Society

Social protection in modern society varies from one country to another. While the ultimate goal of protecting the poor from vulnerabilities, shocks and risks is shared, the approaches to implementing social protection are not exactly standard. As the World Bank argues, implementing social protection instruments — from social insurance, social assistance to labor market interventions…

Accountability and Transparency in Managing Social Services

Non-profit organizations have played a key role in social development. They hold great influence in mobilizing people, facilitating and initiating policy reforms, and effecting change on both levels of community and government. For countries such as the United States, non-profit organizations can even have a bearing on foreign policy behaviors (Kim, 2011). If media is…

What do the Filipino youth want from their leaders?

(Blog contribution to the World Bank. Click to access original site: World Bank EAP Blogs) Scroll through social media in the Philippines, and you’ll get the feel of how young people have transformed digital spaces into a microcosm of what the Philippines should or should not be. If only their ideas and fervor in cyberspace could…

Democratized Journalism

Eugenia Sephera in the book Understanding New Media discusses how Web 2.0, which includes social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, democratizes politics and has become an alternative to mainstream media. Journalism holds a political function which is to help shape public opinion and make governments accountable for their actions (Habermas, 1996, cited in Sephera,…